
To get the best results for your data with our search, SQLPhonetics.NET has more than 10 different search functions and algorithms. Each algorithm is optimized for certain data types / domains.

Identical Match

Checks if two strings are identical to each other without case senstitive.

Identical Match (Case Sensitive)

Checks if two strings are identical to each other with case senstitive.


The Caverphone is a phonetic matching algorithm invented to identify English names with their sounds.

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Cologne (Kölner Phonetic)

The Cologne Phonetic (also known as Kölner Phonetic) is a phonetic algorithm that assigns a sequence of digits to words according to their sound, the phonetic code. The aim of this procedure is to assign the same code to words with the same sound in order to implement a similarity search for search functions.

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Double Metaphone

Contrary to the original algorithm “Metaphone” whose application is limited to English only, this version takes into account spelling peculiarities of a number of other languages.

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Jaro or Jaro-Winkler is a string comparison method between two strings or sequences. Unlike other methods such as Cologne Phonetic, it measures the distance between two strings and not the phonetic sound.

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Levenshtein Distance

Levenshtein Distance is a string comparison method between two strings or sequences. Unlike other methods such as Cologne Phonetic, it measures the distance between two strings and not the phonetic sound.

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Metaphone is a phonetic algorithm for indexing words by their English pronunciation. It fundamentally improves on the Soundex algorithm by using information about variations and inconsistencies in English spelling.

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The phonem algorithm mainly targets German names. The algorithm has no character limits like Soundex and uses letters instead of numbers to determine the phonetic sound.

